Monday, 19 May 2014

Emergency Services in Scotland - Ambluances

It seems I have more of these clips than I originally anticipated! Another few clips of ambulances on emergency calls in and around Edinburgh. One of the videos is somewhat of a "special" of ambulances making their way through busy traffic. These clips show what can happen with savvy motorists on the road: all the drivers noticed the ambulances coming in good time and got out of their way in a very effective manner. It is a departure from some of the things I've seen on the road (sadly, not filmed) where people just do the complete wrong things when confronted with emergency vehicles.

In the coming weeks I will be doing a video on how to drive safely with emergency vehicles on the roads in the UK, and I have another video where I will analyse a certain incident I saw on the road. I hope you can tune in then, but for now, here's the videos from the week:

More dash cam videos!

More fun on the roads with the Police, ambulances and of course, the local wildlife!

Monday, 5 May 2014

Emergency videos

I have a dash cam on my car now, and I've decided to put on Youtube some clips of emergency vehicles at work around Scotland that I've captured driving around.

It's got me thinking alot about how I act around the emergency services and I'm going to make a Youtube video talking about my suggestions for dealing with the emergency services (stuff you won't see in the highway code, but probably should be there).

But for now, here's the videos: